Comité van Aanbevelingen
Prof. W.B.H.J. van de Donk
Rector Magnificus
Chairman of the Executive Board
Prof. Dr. G.A.C. Vervaeke
Dean Tilburg Law School
Prof. mr. E.P.M. Vermeulen
Professor of Corporate Law
Vice-president Legal Philips International
Prof. jhr. mr. M. Wladimiroff
Professor of International Criminal Law
Attorney at law
Associate Professor, Tilburg Institute for Law,
Technology and Society
Prof. Dr. E.M.H. Hirsch Ballin
Professor of Constitutional Law
Former Minister of Justice
Prof. A.C.M.J. Wilthagen
Professor of Labor Law
Vice-dean of Research Tilburg Law School
Associate Professor of International Law
Prof. M.E.A. Goodwin
Professor of Public Law and Governance
Prof. I. Tzankova
Program Director Outreaching /
Honours Program Tilburg University
Law Professor
Prof. Mr. R.M. Wibier
Professor of property law and insolvency law
Prof. Dr. R.C.H. Lesaffer
Former Dean of Tilburg Law School
Professor of Legal History